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61 Explore the Power of Intuition

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2024

Welcome to this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, where we're diving deep into a truth that resonates at the core of our being: intuition is a skill, a robust system that each of us possesses. It's not something elusive or reserved for the few; it’s a natural, intrinsic part of who we are. And just like any other skill, it can be honed, nurtured, and expanded.

When I say that intuition is a system, I mean that it’s an intricate, dynamic process woven into the very fabric of our existence. It’s a beautiful dance between our physical bodies and the conscious mind—a symphony of signals, feelings, and insights that move through us. This intuitive system is our connection to the divine, the universal consciousness of creation and Creator that flows through and around us, guiding us with a wisdom that transcends logic.

Think about the first blush of knowing, that moment when a vision, an image, or a feeling rises within you. It’s like a gentle nudge from the universe, a whisper from your higher self that says, “Pay attention; something important is here.” 

This is the first spark of intuition, and it’s often so subtle that it can be easily overlooked if we’re not attuned to it. Then, when we lean in with self-awareness, we recognize and trust this initial spark; we open ourselves to a deeper understanding and an enriched life.

What’s incredible about this system is that it doesn’t operate solely within the confines of our physical bodies. Our intuition is a non-local phenomenon—it stretches beyond our minds and hearts, connecting us to the vast field of consciousness that permeates everything. This field is where we tap into bright ideas, flashes of inspiration, and guidance from the Creator. It’s where we align with our true purpose and the gifts placed within us. 

 “You know this to be true. 

When truth is discovered, it is our joy and journey to break through old horizons into a new field of awareness.” 

–– Laura Alden Kamm 

As non-local thinkers, see and knowers, we are not limited by time or space. Our intuition allows us to access wisdom from across the ages, the collective consciousness, and the divine source that resides within each of us. This makes us universal channels of the gifts and skills we’ve been given. We are vessels of unlimited potential, capable of tapping into the infinite knowledge and creativity surrounding us.

When we embrace this understanding, our consciousness expands. We begin to see ourselves not as separate beings navigating a chaotic world but as integral parts of a vast, interconnected whole. Our intuition becomes our guide, leading us to deeper insights, profound healing, and a closer connection with the divine.

I encourage you to trust in this system within you. Nurture your intuition, listen to its whispers, and follow its guidance. Allow it to lead you to the bright ideas, the creativity, and the wisdom that are your birthright. Remember, you are unlimited, a powerful co-creator with the divine, and your intuition is the key to unlocking the full potential of your existence.

Thank you for joining me today. Until next time, listen to that inner voice, and let your intuition guide you to ever-greater heights.


PS—If you’re called to do so, let me know how you like the show. I’d be honored if you’d leave a review or share the podcast with a friend. Thank you for letting me be a part of your world!


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