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68 Be Still And Know That You Are

Uncategorized Oct 09, 2024

Welcome to The Voice of Intuition Podcast. Let’s start with this. Close your eyes, my friend, and do nothing. Yes, absolutely nothing. There is no task, no goal here. Simply watch and feel your breath as it enters and leaves your body.

When listening to this episode, be still and observe. Let each inhale and exhale remind you that life is happening through you. Don’t try to control the breath; let it flow naturally, as it always does, without effort. 

Today, Laura shares her “Cloud Train” meditation she does every morning. You can observe the clouds outside throughout your day and the clouds that may appear in your mind as fear, anxiety, or untimely imposed pressures to do this or that. By observing, you come back to what is genuine for you. When you trust your life and listen within, the correct timing of your life happens through observation.  Let the breath anchor you at this moment, and you will see the nervousness dissolve into the quieter rhythm of life.

In this episode, Laura discusses our wild minds and how easily we feel fear. This episode is not about the instinctual survival fear that can happen instantly in a disaster or tragedy. She asks you to look closely at your fear and nervousness connected to the future or the past, neither of which is now. 

Observe fear and nervousness as if they were something outside of you. Yet, you’re not disconnected or ignoring it. Do not judge it; do not fight it—just notice. Fear is a projection, a phantom conjured by the mind when seen clearly. Most of the time, fear isn’t relevant to the present moment but a future that has not yet arrived and may never arrive. 

Your mind buzzes into a future that does not exist, and by doing so, you are blind to the realness of this moment, keeping fear, anxiety, worry, etc., at the top of your mind. Anger, fear, and hate need to be observed for what they are and not to be fueled more. It only hurts your body, any situation, or your intuitive mind as it attempts to offer a solution. Remember, observation is human and soul-level perspective and power. Observation gives you presence and peace over your wild mind and allows perspective to guide your emotions. 

Allow your mind to observe the negative emotions; that process will allow you to welcome yourself back home to your body, where you will find peace waiting. Your attention is on this moment, and you can watch the disconnection of the fear occur within you—like the Cloud Train changing form right before you. 

Realize that you are safe in the here and now. It is your safest place, no matter what is occurring. Each moment of self-awareness allows your voice of intuition to guide you effortlessly if you listen and trust that voice. 

Welcome! Download, listen, and enjoy this The Voice of Intuition Podcast episode.


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