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69 You Are The Guardian of Your Destiny

Uncategorized Oct 16, 2024

Let’s check in with the emotional temperature of your heart. Welcome to The Voice of Intuition Podcast, where you and Laura will journey into the heart of your emotional landscape, seeking out the wisdom held within your positive, creative emotions. In this episode, we’re diving into the art of checking the emotional temperature of your heart—your inner compass that aligns you with your destiny.

Your heart’s genuine emotions are powerful. They’re spiritually connected, clear, and focused, illuminating the path ahead. These feelings are not just passing whims; they’re profound guides steering you toward the purpose you were born to fulfill. As you know, there’s also the mish-mosh of critical and negative emotions—those sneaky thoughts that can cloud your clarity, dampen your spirit, and leave you feeling discouraged about your life and purpose.

Join Laura as you embark on a hero’s journey to discover the en-couraged thoughts that live within you. You’re exploring, watching for, and finding the wellspring of thoughts that allow you to rise and focus on what’s next, even on challenging days at Earth University. These intuitively-delivered thoughts are your guideposts, given to you by your Creator and deeply intertwined with your creative nature.

In today’s episode, Laura will guide you to remember the incredible power of your thoughts. They shape not just your day-to-day experience but also the unfolding of your destiny. 

Be aware: You know this: any thought can guide you and change your life’s direction, but only those thoughts that align with your higher self will elevate you. As your mind's spiritual gatekeeper, you can choose which thoughts enter into and influence your life. So, dive into the deep end with Laura about becoming a more open and aligned guardian for the divine in you, embracing the thoughts that uplift and nurture your soul’s journey.

Remember that you are more than flesh and bone. You are pure and radiant energy woven with the threads of the supernatural. Your nature is the warp and woof of God’s. Explore how to harness this truth to empower your journey, thought by thought––open, align, and heal into your destiny, and live with an open, fearless heart. 

Listen in with Laura, and step into your role as the keeper of your heart’s emotional temperature. Embrace the path that calls you, guided by the higher purpose that is yours to fulfill.


The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations

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