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#47 What To Do When You Feel Lost

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2023

Today on The Voice of Intuition Podcast, well look at three truths, which are spiritual principles, that can help us hold our families, friends, cultures, and world together. 

We are in a series of turnstile moments, and simple yet profound truths are what can see us through. 

Sometimes, we feel lost and isolated from ourselves. And sometimes from each other due to social conflicts. Feeling and being separate is not a good feeling. The risk of feeling lost and disconnected could force us to drift farther apart. 

These three principles are truth, foster curiosity, and faithfulness. They are constant and available to all of us all of the time. 

Download and listen to this episode and I trust youll find some comfort. If youve felt lost in the past, or you are feeling lost now, I trust this will give you comfort and bring you back home to yourself.





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