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Feeling Under Pressure? Let's Fix It!

authenticity clarity Oct 13, 2022

Let’s minimize the pressure, shall we? For us to chill out more easily we need to observe and learn about what we see, which may invoke unwanted feelings. We have to be brave enough to feeeel. We don’t discover the way out of fear or a tough situation, filled with pressure, until we feel what’s real in the moment.

Allowing your courage to rise in the middle of fear brings you into the realm of fearlessness. This helps you move through life in a completely different paradigm. We move from a paradigm, and the habits within that paradigm, of being scared, nervous, negative into a place where we can learn how to rise and keep moving forward.

Here’s a quick tip: Have a problem? Visualize the issue and smile into it. Yep. Project a smile right smack dab in the middle of the problem — into the energy or emotions of the problem. See what happens. For me, different doors or pathways through the issue begin to be revealed and I discover ways through, around, and...

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What really happens when you look in the mirror?

Many years ago, when I was still in the process of getting used to my new level of physical sight I had a dream. 

In the dream I was in a darkened, yet, very pleasant room. I was cleaning a large mirror.

Some of the mirror’s surface was clear, some was slightly dusty. Some was smudged, almost to the point of not being able to see a reflection.

A large part of the mirror had no dust, no smears or smudges and still no refection. It was pure. It was into this section I was drawn. My whole being went deep within the mirror. I became the mirror. 

Suddenly, back outside and now looking at the mirror, I knew I had work to do. My eyes landed on the part of the mirror’s surface which was dusty. As soon as I looked at the dust, I found myself, cloth in hand, now cleaning the mirror. 

At one point in the dream, I stood back to check my progress. It didn’t seem like I was making any headway on the mirror’s dust-coated surface. 

And there it...

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Finding Your New Horizon

How have you been lately? 

The roller coaster years are still a bit in play. But hey! It’s getting better; yet, the flow of our lives have been rerouted. Our paths are changing. 

A good thing.

I wanted to say “Hi!” and check in with you.  Let’s do a temperature check — 

How is your physical health? Are you feeling well, or are you experiencing overwhelm or discomfort, hair loss, etc? 

Seriously, hair loss is a big deal for many right now! (…hint, more on this in an upcoming podcast on covid stress rebounding.) 

How is your intuitive health? Feeling confident in what you’re receiving? Or has your trust regarding your inner voice gotten a wee bit shaky or stymied? 

And your happiness factor — your mental and spiritual health? Do you feel like you’re in your groove and a solid routine allows you take on the day? 

Do you feel alignment within yourself? Or is your mind and heart wandering...

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Ode To Red Pants Girl


Joy and rounds of applause for the wonders of you! 

Ode To Red Pants Girl  


Two sisters climb the hill. Ice skate blades scape and clang as the girls, ages six and eight, weave through frosted pine bows. The soggy, muddy-bottomed six-year-old knew going home was flat out wrong and finally shouted, “No! I wanna skate!” 

With determination, little sis spun around, stomped through their 5” deep snow prints, plopped down at the pond’s frozen edge, put her skates on and flew onto the ice to spin and grin and glide into arabesques. 

Watching her little sister’s icy red pants perform an about face and march back toward the ice gobsmacked her big sister. The determined optimism of her little sister to go for it alone and to be alone on the ice when the afternoon’s light was fading, cemented a new perspective regarding her baby sister.

From that day forward, little sis was known as "Red Pants Girl."


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