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Positive Change Is Born From Visions of Gratitude

Wow, I can’t believe how fast summer is peeling by!

We can’t slow down the clock.  But as intuitive people, we can move our perspective. We can shift our intuitive lens— slow down or leap forward in what we think of as time.

I’m feeling a lot of gratitude as we head into one of my favorite months. August. I like August so much because it’s the first month, pretty much halfway through August, where I start to notice the angle of incidence of the sun is changing, as we move towards the fall equinox.

The shadows of the trees are not as vertical. The shadows are starting to shift angles as the sun makes its way toward the southern hemisphere.

I know it sounds so geeky. But I just can’t help myself. All of you empaths reading this, well, I know you feel it too! You not only see the shadows change, you feel it—you feel the change.

Those of you in the southern hemisphere have your own experience too. You can feel the sun coming down toward...

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Happiest Holidays 2021

change courage intuition Dec 24, 2021

Blessings to you and yours this Holiday Season. It’s been my delight and joy to connect with so many of you throughout the year. You’re some of the bravest, brightest, and delightful people I know.

But it hasn’t been easy. Some of you have lost loved ones. I'm truly so very sorry.... Some have given or are about to give birth - life renewing itself. Some of you have found that sense of deep love for yourself - a love unlike any other. A blessing.

A few of you have written their books, which have been dancing in your hearts and energy fields for a long time. Congratulations! Many of you are getting started on your deeper purpose and leaping forward, which is so exciting! Others are redefining your next steps through healing and coping illnesses. My prayers are sent to you daily.

It's time dearest ones to get well, get clear, and herald life's new revelations. 

We’re living life in the middle of life and we all need to just keep going. 

I say,...

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"Waiting For Your Answers

change guidance intuition Nov 21, 2021

When we seek help from our hearts and the heavens, wouldn't it be just peachy if the answers would arrive super fast? 

Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. We know, though, answers arrive right on time. They always do — not a second too early; not a second too late.

It’s hard to be patient with this universal delivery system; especially, when we get anxious or fearful or when we really just want to solve a practical problem. Answers can be elusive and sneak around, weaving in and around the corners of our mind for quite some time. 

I believe it has to do with committed survival on a new level. Are we really ready to go to the next level? All parts of us — body, mind and spirit have to agree to the “yes.”  We need to be willing to show up and face the unknown. Good times, right?

Even if we’re a bit sheepish; a willingness to rise IS required to rise. That's spiritual physics. 

You all know I am crazy in love...

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