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Open & Connect To Your Guidance

When I write, I settle into a comfy chair and squiggle (one of my fave words) around until it's just right. Hot tea at the ready. I close my eyes to chill and check in with my inner guidance system. 

“Are we in sync?” 

Yep, all lined up! 

I love the feeling of one’s inner wiring fully on and connected. Don’t you? 

This time when I opened my eyes, I immediately focused on a wooden statue of my Dad's, which now sits on my mantle. It's a statue of Jesus casting seeds, which sat on his desk for nearly 60 years. 

Since my eyes zoned in on Jesus, instead of my wood-crafted gnomes named Renaldo and Oswald, I  felt inspired to ask Jesus a question. 

Why not? He's my go-to and we have access to all things and sacred hearts.

And so I ask:  “What can I do for you today?” 

The response: 

 “Be happy.” 

“I can do that.” I said out loud with a slight impish...

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"Waiting For Your Answers

change guidance intuition Nov 21, 2021

When we seek help from our hearts and the heavens, wouldn't it be just peachy if the answers would arrive super fast? 

Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. We know, though, answers arrive right on time. They always do — not a second too early; not a second too late.

It’s hard to be patient with this universal delivery system; especially, when we get anxious or fearful or when we really just want to solve a practical problem. Answers can be elusive and sneak around, weaving in and around the corners of our mind for quite some time. 

I believe it has to do with committed survival on a new level. Are we really ready to go to the next level? All parts of us — body, mind and spirit have to agree to the “yes.”  We need to be willing to show up and face the unknown. Good times, right?

Even if we’re a bit sheepish; a willingness to rise IS required to rise. That's spiritual physics. 

You all know I am crazy in love...

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