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You Do Create Your Own Reality

Breathe. In and out. Lying on your back or sitting in a chair, take a moment. Think about your life.

What have you been attracted to within your life? What aspects of life draw you in like a tractor beam? Have you followed those paths? Or have you hung them on the wall, framed as the ubiquitous mental picture, “I’ll do that someday.”

You do create your own reality. We don’t have to try, push, or hurt ourselves in order to do so. The seeds of your real life are already within you.

When you’re drawn to something, that is an indication that the seeds of manifestation regarding a new life, a new path, a new oath is rising within you, readying itself for birth.

Seeds. Path. Oath. Life travels and unwraps its treasures in this order.

You can’t find the path until you listen within. Hear the unburdening of the hull around the seed? It crackles with new life.

As this occurs, you notice that your footsteps, your heart’s whispers, and mind take you in...

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