Laura's Latest Episodes

Episode #013
How To Be Fearless
Being frozen in fear is no fun. Yet, within our fears lies the solution to our freedom. Today’s show is all about getting unstuck, unfrozen, and finding your fearless self again. You’ve got this. No matter what you face, there’s a way through the fog. Listen in for some practical tips on how to find the fearless soul inside of you. Get unstuck from the couch and embrace what’s now, dream of what’s new, and understand you’re a co-creator of what’s next for your life.
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Episode #012
How to Develop Your Intuitive Skills
No matter how good you are at something, you still have to practice the fundamentals. Developing intuition requires knowing how you uniquely access this type of information and information in general. The question is, how do we begin to sense it accurately? Where we get stuck is our interpretation and accuracy of intuitive data.
In today’s show, we’re going to look at your Intuitive Learning Preferences. They are the way in which you receive your intuitive information at its base level. When you connect with and dive into these fundamentals skills, you’ll have more confidence in discernment and clarity.
Intuition and logic use the same brain and nervous system. Your brain! Your evolution requires you to use both and to ferret out the nervous chatter that doesn’t allow you to align with logic or intuitive intelligence. Those chatty mind monkeys can be put to rest by practicing the fundamentals.
Listen and discover what intuitive learning style resonates with you. They are your pathways through life, relationships, purpose, and business. Check out some free resources to help relax and develop your intuition
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Episode #011
Do Your Prayers and Positive Thoughts Matter?
These days, there are so many prayerful requests - for well-being, regaining jobs, keeping small businesses open, and just keeping one’s feet on the ground. Positive thoughts and prayers are careening around the web and the world.
Dr. Christine joins me today, asking great questions, “What happens to our positive thoughts once we send them to someone? Do our prayers and good wishes matter? Where do prayer requests land in your body when you’re asked to send good thoughts?”
The conversation covers various practices and ideas to help you stay in compassionate neutrality and send others positive thoughts without emotionally attaching in a non-helpful manner.
I’ll also share my favorite prayer. The prayer which got me through being sick and dying. Three simple words. They encapsulate it all! It’s effective and the shortest prayer ever. Because the heavens know exactly what you need and when you need it.
Mentioned in the show: The Intention Experiment, by Lynne McTaggart.
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Episode #010
Finding Your Inner Strength
It feels awful when you’re confused, sad, and don’t know what to do. When the heavens knock at your door, you know there’s a new direction calling. It’s up to you to answer the call. But how do you do that when its tough. You know the old saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”
I say, “When the going gets tough, go inside and then get going.” Sometimes we have to breathe our way through things, instead of breezing our way through.
Somewhere, somehow a way is illuminated. It always is; even if we can’t see it in the moment. In today’s show, we’ll break down principles, which will help when you’re looking at an uphill battle. Whatever you’re facing, there is a pathway through it.
Learn to turn your intuitive lens to a new perspective. Observe yourself. Observe the beauty in the world. Don’t sink into the anger and fear that is here and now, and within so many. This is not a head-in-the-sand approach. It’s even, realistic, honest, authentic and will lead you home.
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Episode #009
Finding Grace in the Midst of Our Crazy World
For all the gentle souls, healers, intuitives, creatives, and empaths that have had enough of all of the craziness. If you've had enough conflict, politics in the workplace, and you're still standing, you are a brave person. This episode is about grace and having that core alignment within yourself to move with the winds of change as they continue to blow in odd and shifting directions.
Today, step apart from the world for a few minutes. Refuel within your internal sanctuary. The world needs you whole and balanced in the midst of this current season. We need a little sprinkle of grace.Let’s put down our frustrations, anger, and exhausted fear and call forth grace. Our cells need it.
Grace is a palpable literal substance. I'm sure you’ve felt it. Grace can befall us when we least expect it (thank you God) or when we intentionally call grace forward.
Today, let’s begin a practice of cultivating grace with the help of this podcast. It's a simple process of being and of cultivating the ever-present substance and sustenance of healing grace.
Enjoy the show. I trust this practice will serve you today and for many days to come.
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Episode #008
Compassion Within the Fire of Anxiety | Part 2
Anxiety is debilitating. I get it. It’s like being the scared cat up in the tree and the one talking the cat down at the same time. That’s not easy.
Yet, you have the power to breathe.... That basic function, as you know, calms the body and is most effective. Yet, when we’re anxious, what do we do? We STOP breathing. Odd little pairing, wouldn’t you say?
In today's podcast Christine joins me again and you’ll be parachuted down in the middle of where we left off last week. We’ll keep moving through revelations and I’ll tie a bow around this conversation compassion and the fires of anxiety.
We ran through the First Step of the Metta Meditation in podcast #007. You’ll find the downloadable pdf of this practice when you click here:
This is a vulnerable and revealing conversation about anxiety and how to shift your internal compass back toward inner calm and civility. If civility isn't happening in the outer world, you don’t have to absorb the anger. You must be able to rise above it and hold a compassionate space.
Nothing will get done for the benefit of humanity or the planet if we aren’t wiser than some of the words and emotions that are flying through the airwaves. Enjoy the show!
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Episode #007
Compassion Within the Fire of Anxiety | Part 1
Have you felt anxiety lately? Do you realize anxiety is your most authentic emotion regarding truth in the moment?
The simple truth is, when you experience anxiety you have unanswered questions. Anxiety is born when we don’t know what’s happening and want to. Or we have a question and we’re afraid to ask it.
In today’s podcast Christine joins me in an unplanned, unscripted conversation. Not one word we had planned to discuss was uttered toward the mic.
Instead our conversation turns from our preliminary chitchat, into a vulnerable and honest conversation about anxiety and compassion. It was such a juicy conversation it’s been broken into two podcasts.
Today’s show, Part 1 of Finding Compassion Within the Fire of Anxiety, you’ll be dropped into the middle of our conversation. Part way through, I’ll take you and Christine through a meditative practice, which can help settle your anxiety, giving your mind and heart time to relax and expand.
Perhaps you’ll find yourself brave enough to ask those unanswered questions. For the only way a question can truly remain unsolved and unanswered is if the question is never asked.
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Episode #006
Accepting Your Intuition
My guest on the show, Scott Clover, has been through the journey of recognition and acceptance of his intuitive abilities. His story may help you in your life experience, accepting your voice of intuition. Scott is recognized for his work in the field of Somatic Healing and is unique in his diverse background which accentuates his natural gift of intuitive abilities. He works with people from all around the globe to help them heal mind-body-somatic trauma.
Scott and I met almost ten years ago when I was teaching in Scottsdale, Arizona. I immediately noticed both his intuitive and healing abilities.
Intuition is a skill everyone has; we need to let it bloom. The information that comes through this system will guide you in any facet of life. For Scott, the unfolding of his intuitive skill was his entree' into the world of holistic healing and energy medicine.
Enjoy the show as Scott and I discuss his work in Somatic Trauma Healing. He identifies energy patterns and how they are layered on a field of energetic influence and one's body. He intuitively locates the traumatized story clamped down in the body and helps bring about awareness and healing.
Scott tells how our current stories differ greatly from our original traumatic experience, which may have happened decades previous to our healing. He also defines somatic therapy and examples of grief.
Through his world-wide work, Scott gives strength and confidence to his clients through his intuitive skills, helping them heal and awaken to a clear and higher level of mind.
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Episode #005
Open Mic Q & A: Jobs, Anxiety, and more...
Today Christine joins me and I’m answering questions from around the world on Wednesday Q & A! Listen in to five souls who have concerns about decisions they are making in life and how to move forward in their journey.
One listener, Yvonne, isn’t sure she trusts her intuition when seeking a job. What can she do to be able to trust her inner voice? Another woman from British Columbia writes asking about her daughter-in-law, who has been married to her son for ten years. Every time they see each other, her daughter-in-law bristles; yet, doesn't understand why her daughter-in-law is acting this way towards her.
Enjoy the show! Maybe you're feeling like James who wrote to me, sharing his higher than normal level of anxiety. I'm just plain scared!" So many people are experiencing high levels of anxiety. I could feel into James' creativity. I knew tapping into this super power will foster a sense of peace. Creativity must be expressed, or anxiety will well up and take over.
In this unusual time, tapping into your giftedness will point your Spirit toward your true North Star, your purpose-inspired life, and will help ease your stress.
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Episode #004
How to Not Fear the Unknown
What do we do when we are facing the unknown? To move out of fear, we need to be strategic about our actions. The quality of our decision is often affected by the amount of time we have to make that decision. While fear propels us into motion, we also need to pay attention to where anxiety is landing within our bodies.
Your intuitive system picks up nuances by listening and observing. Pay attention to how you feel inside. If you aren’t connected to your words and your thoughts, you will feel disheveled and unfocused.
All of life follows a sense of order. Any system can be interrupted by another system. Right now, COVID is affecting our world-wide systems. This virus has put a halt on our standard system and flow. It has disrupted our way of living and being. The interruption came suddenly and erupted our everyday life.
Enjoy the show and discover what you can do when a system interrupts your life, how you can move out of your level of fear, and what you can do when fear circles back around, coming back into your mind and body. Learn how your clarity and resilience will bring you forward into a more stable life.
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Episode #003
What Draws Us to Different Places and Times
My sister Christine and I look at life differently. We come at questions from opposite sides of the fence. In this episode Christine joins me on the show. As we begin, I’m not sure what topic she’s going to bring up.
Here’s what happened. As we begin the show Christine asks, “Why do we become obsessed with learning about different places and times?”
Alrighty then! We dive in from there and have a conversation about life, connections to places on the planet, and our sometimes odd attraction to historical events.
Why do we feel strangely connected to different eras, battles, environments, philosophies, and much more? We discuss memories you have, yet, how could you have them? What’s with those interesting body sensations and deep knowings, which occur when you visit a certain place in the world.
We discuss how transformational experiences change your perceptual lens. I rattle Christine’s brain a bit when I talked about transcendent moments and how they flip your life upside down. I’m pretty sure I almost lost her when this topic came up.… Are we living just this life in this timeframe or is there something else going on with this thing we call a soul?
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Episode 002
A Conversation About Contemplation
Contemplative practice is a structured practice without structure. This is an inward practice which allows you to connect, discover, and centralize your mind. When you're more centered, you have more access to that which is outside of you, including the unknown. Today, I'll share some contemplative principles - how to move through the act of contemplating and how to get into a more centered space when we are feeling off-balance.
Contemplation works, although the result isn't what you might have imagined. Working in the opposite direction of planning things out, contemplation is a state of being. You're in a bold state of allowing connection. This gives you the ability to connect on levels you can't possibly imagine.
Without the ability to connect, it's challenging to come to a place of genuine compassion for yourself or anyone else. Connecting gives us the ability to tap into our emotions and tells us where we are at any given moment.
Compassion is a level above empathy and clearly conscious levels above sympathy. Contemplative practice allows us to connect on a humble level. Compassion prompts an awakening and stabilizing feeling in your body. It changes the way you view the world and your language. Your perceptual lens change and so, too, does your perspective.
Listen in to find out why your negative thoughts will take you in the wrong direction in your life, how negative thoughts leave distractive, destructive chatter in your mind, and why nature is one of the best places to have contemplative practice.
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Episode 001
The Anatomy of Intuition
Many don't understand how to use their intuition. Today, I'm going to talk about why it's necessary to understand its unique anatomy. Did you know there's a defined structure to your intuition? It's true!
Intuition allows you to sense that unseen structure and your body will enable you to feel it and interpret the data your nervous system is receiving. You don't have to be a mystic or particular type person to have intuition. We are born with it.
Trust is the most significant problem people have when it comes to their intuition. The self-doubt this generates creates a scenario where we run over ourselves and ignore our intuition — our wisest voice within. When you have a question pop into your mind and an answer comes to you, this is your intuitive system delivering on-demand information.
Enjoy the show and find out how intuition works. Why you don't have to be an expert to receive information on subjects about which you know very little or nothing at all. Why intuition is not a gift, but a skill. Learn why intuition is not understood and what is "gaze detection." Also, why is your brain the endpoint for teasing out signals and information you may be feeing impacting your body.