Intuitive Wellness Resources
You Need To Be Happy, Well & Wise
Tools You Need To Clear Your Energy,
Increase Intuitive Accuracy, and Heal Your Body

Practice Lower Body Meditation
This is one of my favorite practices my t`ai chi Shifu taught me years ago. It will help rebuild and maintain vital force energy, deep inside. This practice also helps regulate your mental, emotional, and energetic center of gravity, bringing balance to your heightened, anxious, or hectic state of mind. It will help steady you and your energy in unsteady times.

Metta Meditation
Feeling anxious? Too much anger in the world? Experiencing painful emotions, keeping you stuck? This healing practice is used by millions around the world to find the deep root and experience of virtues, such as peace, loving-kindness, happiness, healing, and contentment to name a few. It's a deepening, enriching, and transcendent practice that can change your life and the way you view it.

Releasing Energy Congestion
We've all had someone be rude to us. A co-worker, friend, or a partner. Someone cuts you down to feel superior. We've all taken it on the chin. To be fair, we've tossed a few darts across the room too. This practice releases emotional impacts within your body and eases the temptation to fire one at someone else. Temperance and healing are the results of this practice.

Creating Your Internal Smile
Heal your body and learn to maintain a clear connection with your inner landscape, using your intuition and your power to help yourself healĀ and thrive. This ancient practice has its conceptual roots in many ancient cultures, such as Taoism. It helps you discover and nurture what mystical Christinity refers to as, "The Kingdom Within."

Amygdala Healing
This healing practice and will help calm your mind so your scattered mind. When you can't make decisions easily or put your schedule in order and get things done, this practice is for you. It is a simple practice that calms a critical part of your beautiful brain that is part of the fight/flight aspect of your nervous system. Breathe,

Dry Brushing
Dry brushing is wonderful for exfoliating dry winter skin. It helps detoxify by increasing blood circulation and promoting surface and deeper lymph flow/drainage. Dry brushing unclogs pores in the exfoliation process. It gently stimulates your nervous system, which can make you feel invigorated and clears surface layers of energy.

Healing Cancer Visualization
This audio was created for those living with and healing from cancer. I offer this to you with love and with a deep and clear intention for your wellness and healing.Ā No matter where you are in the world, healing travels beyond the miles and my voice and intention for your healing willĀ be with you. May you be blessed. May you be healed. May you be happy and well.

The Journey Poem
Mary Oliver, a heralded American poetess, wrote this transcendent and catalytic poem. For anyone who might be examining the life they've been living, contrasted against the light within their heart and soul, this work will help scoot you down the path of transformation, illuminating your way. The message, "Trust your wisest voice within."

St. Francis of Assisi Peace Prayer
This poem is widely attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi (1182- 1226) No scholar has discovered this poem in his writings. Yet, the poem's impact has been profound since its first anonymous appearance in France in 1912. One might sense spiritus est (with spirit), if Francis's soul breathed these words to life through another.