Episode #012

How to Develop Your Intuitive Skills

No matter how good you are at something, you still have to practice the fundamentals. Developing intuition requires knowing how you uniquely access this type of information and information in general. The question is, how do we begin to sense it accurately? Where we get stuck is our interpretation and accuracy of intuitive data.

In today’s show, we’re going to look at your Intuitive Learning Preferences. They are the way in which you receive your intuitive information at its base level. When you connect with and dive into these fundamentals skills, you’ll have more confidence in discernment and clarity.

Intuition and logic use the same brain and nervous system. Your brain! Your evolution requires you to use both and to ferret out the nervous chatter that doesn’t allow you to align with logic or intuitive intelligence. Those chatty mind monkeys can be put to rest by practicing the fundamentals.

Listen and discover what intuitive learning style resonates with you. They are your pathways through life, relationships, purpose, and business. Check out some free resources to help relax and develop your intuition https://www.laurakamm.com/#resources

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