Episode #020

Your Voice of Intuition

Hey, there, I’m Laura Alden Kamm and somehow I ended up being in service as a medical intuitive, integrating various philosophies to help navigate my way though the initial dense forest of understanding what intuition is and isn’t. 

In the beginning, I tripped and fell over stumps of information, which I wondered if it could even be real or true. I wondered why was I getting messages and information about things which I didn’t know or have possession?

As I look back, streaming internal information was easy and normal. At some point though, I shut it down. I put a muffle — rather a choke hold — on this voice of intuition. Ten years past, then to get my attention, God swooped in and said, “Architecture school? Naw. Reboot. System failure! Reboot reboot!”

And I reboot I did — blind, coma, death, heaven, recover.

How about you? Any reboots in your life? I bet there are. How does Your Voice of Intuition work for you? That’s what this episode is all about. How your intuitive system works for you and how to let go and let it flow! 

FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/LauraAldenKamm

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lauraaldenkamm

THE VOICE OF INTUITION SHOW NOTES: https://www.laurakamm.com/blog/your-voice-of-intuition


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