Episode #021

3 Things You Can Let Go of Today

Okay, today’s the day. On this day, we’re going to let it go! We’re way too bogged down and we’re suffering. 

It’s all too much! We hold on. We cling to judgement, fears, stuff, attitudes, habits, the wanting to forgive verses remaining ticked off at some thing or someone who hurt or triggered us, etc.

Today we are going to shift the thoughts and energy about things which drain you. We’ll switch gears and focus on what serves and lifts you up. 

Let’s go into the solution instead of focusing on the problem. You know the problem, intimately…. 

After listening to this episode you’ll be able to identify what you’re holding on to; where is it reflected in your life and body;  and how to create clear and congruent space without feeling vulnerable. 

You’re a miracle maker within and for your own life. Let’s Do this! 

As they say, “Where your mind goes, energy [and your life] flows.”

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