Episode #027

How and When To Do an Intuitive Scan

We all get curious and excited about meeting someone new. Getting a new job. Moving to a new place and making new friends; even going out on that first date. 

Should we just jump in or is it smarter these days to use our intuitive superpowers to make certain we’re heading in the right direction as we meet new people? 

In this episode I offer suggestions and tips to check things out when entering into new relationships and even working with established relationships. After all, we all intuitively read each other, one way or another. I think it’s a good idea to know when to call on your superpower, what to do, and what to look for. How about you? Enjoy the show!

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THE VOICE OF INTUITION SHOW NOTES: https://www.laurakamm.com/blog/how-and-when-to-do-an-intuitive-scan


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