Episode #032

Who’s In There? Part 2

You know your inner voice. You get it … there are several voices in your head, depending on what you’re doing. This guidance, obstinance, curiosity fill your life with the flavor, mixing with your authentic voice. 

So, who’s in there with you? Whose voice has an influence within your spiritual voice, your parental voice, your public and intimate voice? Who’s part of your inner choir in regard to your path in life and work in the world? 

Part 2, Who’s In There, is the latest episode in the series, Find Your Voice — a 3 part mini-workshop. 

In this episode, settled into a divinely-inspired story, offering a reminder of a universal skill we all have as intuitive humans, along with a self-discovery meditation. 

What you’ll hear and how you’ll be guided in the meditation….

  • Where do your inner voices reside within your body

  • Discover and contemplate the universal skill we all have

  • Go on a spiritual walk-about within your body

  • Reconfirm your courage to be yourself, to be full-on you with courage and joy

Sit back, relax, and join the inner party of self-discovery.You have so much power in you. Your voice is a direct line to problem solving, wisdom, direction, and peace of mind. 

Grab your journal, go inward and listen to your Spirit. Your voice. Your power. Your joy and to the dynamic changes inside of you, aching to come to fruition. 

Let’s see what happens and who’s in there with you!



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