Episode #035

When Determination and Mystical Leverage Merge

In this Episode we’re taking about how the soul of you, the part of you, which is divine. This and your intuitive voice, the voice of your divinity, supports you no matter what’s happening in your life. 

We’ve all had Dark Nights, some of which can last for much longer than we’d like. Today, I’m sharing a portion of one of my Dark Nights. While in the midst of this, I discovered the darkness is profoundly supported by the Light. 

As healers, we are brave and a little crazy. We naturally go into the darkness to shine Light. That’s your job as a healing person, no matter your station or occupation in life.

Lean in and listen. Subscribe and leave a comment. Let me know how your soul connected at a time of darkness and offered you mystical leverage to move you though such a darkened time. 

Think about it … when you reflect on your dark times, see if you can track down the Light, which was in the darkness with you. The Light of your divinity and the divinity which created you is there. All the time, every time.



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