Episode #036

Energy Medicine - Your Triune of Power and Choice

Hold on to your chakras! In this episode we’re going on an Energy Medicine journey, exploring a vital energetic pattern, which directs your triune of choice and power.

We’ve all experienced the power of a single decision. You can either choose to be your super star self; or to hide your gifts, shrink your power, and enroll yourself in a shadowed follow-the-leader life instead of being the leader you’re born to be. 

In this episode of the Voice of Intuition Podcast we’re going to unpack this trifecta of energy through which we make our rapid fire and patterned decisions. Decisions which connect or disconnect. Choices which lift us up or put us in the corner.

When you lean in and listen, here’s what you’ll learn…

  • Learn the triune of power sitting right inside of you

  • How a binary answer drives your life

  • Slow down and listen to the voice of your soul

  • Walking your path with your soul, in work, in your words, in all things

Like me, I know you’ve skinned your knees and heart a few dozen times. Yes, we share the same adventure, in different ways; yet, we all experience life’s mosaics of weirdness, brick walls, miraculous roundabouts within life’s tight corners.

Listen in as we awaken and shift some gears about how you make decisions. How your energetic patterns and nervous system decides for you, before you can even speak. 

Let’s bring on an old fashion healing. Sprinkle in some Aha moments, strengthen your convictions and empower those gifts of yours, instead of keeping them wrapped up for a hoped for vaporous future. 

This is for all of us to feel our way through life! 

Breathe. Open up and let’s go!



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