Episode #040

Freedom and Clarity with Intuitive Problem Solving - Part Two

How do you take on a challenge? Are you a warrior, a wanderer, feel wounded or washed up before you get curious about what’s up? Can you move your intuition mind into the core of the problem and let it tell you what’s needed? 

That’s what we’ll be talking about today, in this Voice of Intuition Podcast episode

Let’s shift the way you approach a challenge and life in general. How do you greet, each side of the decision coin?  In this Episode, Part Two of  Freedom and Clarity with Intuitive Problem Solving, we’re diving in again to fire up our inner power. 

Where do you feel your inner notions? What of part of your body feels the energy of a choice point first, second, third; or does the decision process become a whole-body kerfuffle?

How do you combine your intuitive mind and critical thinking to unwind the tension of hesitation and choose? How quickly do you trust what you hear, feel, know or envision for yourself? 

Lean in, listen and learn…

  • Learn to intuitively move your mind in and around a problem, listening to what the problem has to offer you — causes and solutions.  How to you really meet the energy of a challenge

  • Does your body open up or close in when a challenge comes calling

  • How to understand the difference between worry, fear, and the signal,  “it’s not time yet.”

  • Walking in tandem with your soul’s voice and critical thinking

Let’s do this … enjoy the show! 

PS — If you haven’t listened to Part One, Episode #39 on Intuitive Problem solving, check it out. The show fires up your deeper inner knowing, perhaps crack, the veneer of fear a bit and regenerates truth once barricaded by fear.



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