Episode #048

What To Do When You Feel Lost


Today on The Voice of Intuition Podcast I share profound correlations of what we can all experience -- the blended interconnection with heaven and earth, here and now! 

Interconnectedness and love are required for us to heal and transform our lives into a positive and connected world.

The emphasis and significance of interconnectedness within your world as spiritual dimensions weave within your daily life encourages and invites you and me into increased heavenly energy. How lovely....

Through practices such as prayer, contemplation, and mindfulness, we're offered the chance to generate a unique bond that underscores the ever-present nature of this 'here and now' connection and its rich, potential comfort and guidance.

In this podcast, I also touch upon the presence of angels and loved ones during the transition to the afterlife, reinforcing the belief and knowing that you and I are never truly alone.

We'll also explore themes of personal spiritual awakening, unity, and how you can bring about the possibility of experiencing heavenly moments within this earthly existence -- here and now.

 Download and listen today and feel the upliftment. 

P.S. If you know someone who would benefit from this podcast, be my guest and forward this email or copy and paste the link to your social media. We're here for each other... 

Previous episodes mentioned: https://www.laurakamm.com/blog/what-to-do-when-you-feel-lost




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