Episode #051

How To Balance Your Empathy

In this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, Ill discuss your first level of empathy, what I call "Instinctual Empathy.”

Its primal. Its real. It can illuminate and/or put you in a state of worry and survival. That is part of its protective nature, so survival fear, in this case, is not a bad thing. It can be a very good thing at the right time and place. Therein lies both the gifted skill and the challenge.  

In this podcast episode, Ill share some tips about moving your mind out of fear when your empathy overshoots the runway. These tips will help you move out of survival, which slows you down or can freeze you. They will assist you in elevating self-awareness, awakening, and strengthening your emotional intelligence. 

These simple practices and mindsets help you manage and embrace the power of your empathy, even this primal aspect, with an enlightened mind and heart. 

Enjoy this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast!





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