Episode #052

Empower The Root of Your Life

Have you ever stopped to think about the incredible power that lies at the root of your being? Take a moment, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Feel that breath travel all the way down to your pelvic floor. That’s the core of your strength, the foundation of your self-esteem, and the powerhouse of your personal energy.

Welcome to the Voice of Intuition Podcast and this week’s episode, “Empower the Root of Your Life,” we’re chatting about helping you tap into this profound energy, transform it, and use it to elevate your life.

When fear creeps in and tries to shake your foundation, it’s this deep-seated energy that gets disrupted. But here’s the exciting part: you have the power to harness and transform this energy. Imagine turning that fear into a force for empowerment and change. Imagine living a life where you feel grounded, confident, and in control.

In this lastest episode, we dive into the miracluous energy at the base of your body. This energy flows through your nervous system, influencing how you create, behave, and exist in the world. Why wait any longer to unlock this potential?

Join me today and let’s explore this journey together. Tune in, breathe deeply, and embrace the real, bold, and vibrant life that awaits you.

You can grab The Lower Body Meditation practice I mention in this episode by clicking the Resources link below. There are other awesome, healing practices in that bundle as well.


Grab The Lower Body Meditation from the Resources Page Here




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