Episode #056

Intuitive Listening – Tuning Into the Unspoken

In this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, I’m sharing THE sequence that organically occurs when you’re listening to what’s being said––when you’re intuitively listening, that is. 

I created the name for this show in 2020, The Voice of Intuition podcast, so that we could develop our intuition and listening skills regarding our authentic voice—the spoken voice and the still, small voice within. 

This episode is about intuitive listening. I’ll walk you through a clarifying sequence I’ve witnessed in others and myself for decades. Let’s tease it out and put it back together, and then it’s up to you to rock it! You cannot experience life to the fullest if you do not listen to the world around you and the world within you. 

Remember that intuitive awareness and its skill don’t start with hearing voices or predicting the future. Your organic skills begin and advance when you engage in intuitive listening—connecting with deeper awareness, felt senses, knowing, and even the skill of intuitive sight. 

In a world filled with constant noise and endless distractions, the ability to listen intuitively is both a gift and a skill. Intuitive listening is about tuning into the deeper currents beneath the surface, capturing the essence of what is truly being communicated. It's about being present, open, and receptive to the subtleties of human expression and the energetic vibrations accompanying them.

In this episode, we’ll explore intuitive listening—what it involves, how to develop it, and how it can change your life!




The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations

Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy!

Amazon link to the book - The Second Brain





©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast and are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website www.laurakamm.com if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work. 

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