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A Video - The Healing Tapestry of Your Stories

In embracing your stories, you’ll find an unencumbered spot of grace. Let’s go on a journey of power, purpose, and courage. Let’s honor our stories of how we got from there to here.
 Read on, and as you do, you'll see a link to a video. I had the sincere honor of joining Andrea Jaeger, former world champion women's tennis player and now founder of the Little Star Foundation. Andrea is still and will alwasy be a champion, now making life better for children living with cancer and their families. Joining in the conversation is Andrea's co-host Karen Vazquez. Karen, herself, is a miracle! She was diagnosed with cancer as a child and had a 2% chance of survival.
Life is filled with miracles. I know youv'e experienced them too. Click Here to watch Part 1 of The Little Star Light Podcast with Andrea, Karen, and myself.
And now back to you!  
You're a significant human being. You've been through a think or two in your life. And you're...
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3 Things You Can Let Go of Today

healing impact the world Nov 16, 2022

Okay, today’s the day. On this day, we’re going to let go! We’re way too bogged down and we’re suffering. 

It’s all too much!

We hold on. We cling to judgement, fears, stuff, attitudes, habits, the wanting to forgive verses remaining ticked off at some thing or someone who hurt us, etc., etc., etc. 

It’s the et cetera that squashes us. Etc cetera means “and the rest [of the things]; and the other things”). Today we are going to shift the thoughts and energy about things which drain you. 

Most importantly, we will switch gears and focus on what serves and lifts you up. 

Let’s go into the solution instead of focusing on the problem. You know the problem, intimately….

Let’s walk this path together as I share solutions for these struggles, so you can let go and recalibrate your your life, your life force energy, and your focus. 

As they say, “Where your mind goes, energy [and your life]...

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Author, Adelaide Lenox: A Journey of Healing and Empowerment

cancer courage healing Oct 02, 2022

(NOTE: We had a little difficulty with audio so Adelaide is on her phone. You'll hear the difference and what's most important though, is her wisdom, courage and story. May all beings be well.)

I’m joined by a heroic and wise woman — Adelaide Lenox. After being told she had a year to live at the young age of 13, the now 44-year-old survivor learned so much about listening to her own intuition. She took steps on her journey to heal instead of cure, which made all the difference. She shares her wisdom how healing can occur in many different forms.

Leading up to a cancer diagnosis, it’s easy to think you are invincible. That’s how it was for today’s guest, Adelaide Lenox, until the day she learned that she had malignant cancer. When life threw her the toughest curveball yet, she realized that while it is important to listen to doctors, it is more important to listen to yourself. 

After being told she had a year to live at the young age of...

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What really happens when you look in the mirror?

Many years ago, when I was still in the process of getting used to my new level of physical sight I had a dream. 

In the dream I was in a darkened, yet, very pleasant room. I was cleaning a large mirror.

Some of the mirror’s surface was clear, some was slightly dusty. Some was smudged, almost to the point of not being able to see a reflection.

A large part of the mirror had no dust, no smears or smudges and still no refection. It was pure. It was into this section I was drawn. My whole being went deep within the mirror. I became the mirror. 

Suddenly, back outside and now looking at the mirror, I knew I had work to do. My eyes landed on the part of the mirror’s surface which was dusty. As soon as I looked at the dust, I found myself, cloth in hand, now cleaning the mirror. 

At one point in the dream, I stood back to check my progress. It didn’t seem like I was making any headway on the mirror’s dust-coated surface. 

And there it...

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3 Stages of Healing For You To Practice

gratitude healing Aug 01, 2022

I trust all is going well with you!

I’ve been working in the EU and seeing family who live in Italy. I know, tough stuff right? With COVID, we’ve been communicating like so many others, through the looking glass of FaceTime. Grateful.

Right now, I’m in Frankfurt, Germany working with some folks. A common burning question with this group was, “With the economies the way they are, war close to us, and all the stress and such of COVID, how can I really create the life I want?

Tough questions many of us are asking from around the world.

How do I create a meaningful, happy life—this is an ancient human question. It’s the ultimate personal quest. 

Each question we ask ourselves is a quest.  

The very word question, Latin ‘quaerere’ means to seek, to examine, to investigate; the suffix tionthe action, the result. 

The quest today? 

Here are 3 stages of healing to help you turn situations around. Consider,...

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What's Your Favorite Spiritual Practice

healing self-care Jul 03, 2022

I had a great A-Ha moment a while ago and wanted to share it with you. It might be something you’d like to try out for your life too. 

But first, what’s your favorite type of spirit growth work?  You know, inner focused meditations and visualizations, walking in nature, ready inspiring books? 

Let me know; and I trust you’re getting some serene time in during your busy weekend. 

Do you like to sit and breathe, watching the power of your breath fill your body with vital oxygen and energy, while your mind does its dance and…then it’s back to the breath?

That’s my baseline staple, morning and night. And often times in-between. 

Do you love to go hang out with your trusted guides and angels?

Yep, me too. You know, they love to hang out with us too. 

God and the companions thereof always have a watchful presence when it comes to us. 

It may be tough as a human at times. Sometimes, more frequently than we’d...

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Evolving Your Place and Peace

Firstly, Happy Father’s Day to those of you who are fathers. Those who are both father and mother to your kids or others. And to those father’s who are in Spirit. "Hi! Love you Dad!"

Secondarily, how are you doing, really?  That line is repeated over and over in Downton Abby, so I couldn’t help myself.

I’ve been soaking up the episodes of Downton. Why? I love the music; the velvet green hills and significant trees of England; the costumes; and besides, it’s peaceful. Okay, it’s easy to fall asleep to while in my comfy chair. 

You know, peace of mind and body is my imperative these days. Anyone raising their hand out there?

The world is a bit on a tilt, and I’m sure no one is surprised. Evolution is not easy. And my darling friends we are in it and heading for the next doorway. 

This is a good thing because, thank goodness, you’re awake and aware; therefore, you are an integral part of the solution. ...

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Feel the Love ~ Spiritual Tidying Up Energetically #2

chaos energy healing intuition Jan 13, 2022

How are you? Seriously? Lots cookin’ out there in the multi-verse. 

Firstly, I hope you and your loved ones are well. We’ll get through this OMG Omicron wave too. These days we all have a covid story or two to tell, as the degree of separation regarding this global experience is basically at 0 degrees.

April will begin to feel a lot better. Hang in there! (Years 2016.5 - 2029/2030 are what I call The Hot Years of our generations. …more on this in a few weeks.)

Last week’s blog, Tools for Spiritual Tidying - Mental Clutter has a great practice, which can bring a great deal of peace, self-awareness and clear direction and insights for your work, dreams, curiosities and life. I hope you’ve taken it for a test drive. If not… zooom over and give it a spin. 

 This week, let’s jump into Spiritual Tidying from an invisible impact point of view. Actually, nothing is invisible to your intuitive system and that’s my...

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Pushing Yourself Awake For Heaven's Sake

Last week I wrote about pushing yourself awake and how important it is to relax as you follow your spiritual path.

Awakenings happen when they happen. Usually when you least expect it.

It happened to a friend and me a few weeks ago when I took a him to a doctor. As we walked into the office a song was piping through their audio system, “I breathe in grace… I exhale grace” was the song’s refrain.

We sat down. A wave came over me and I just wanted to cry. In fact, I did. Trying ever-so-cooly to wipe away my tears, as if I had allergies. Ha!

Over and over the song played and it simply popped my heart. You know the feeling when a lyric surpasses your brain and surprisingly sings to your soul.

I knew I was being queued up by the heavens; yet, I didn’t know why. I simply was.

During my friend’s exam, the doctor looked at me only once. And once was enough. He looked at my friend’s health record and noted he had a stroke a few years ago.


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Video + Heart Energy Check-In

chakra energy healing Mar 10, 2021

 As we move into Springtime, as it will be here soon, I thought I'd share this visualization with which you can explore and give the energy of your heart a little check up and pick-me-up. 

Enjoy this visualization. It was a spontaneous channeling during a recent class gathering for  the Becoming a Medical Intuitive Course. It's so important to go deep inside, especially since this past year has been crestfallen for many. 

Let the light shine within your heart like a benediction. A sutra. An energetic chant of connected universal awareness, grace and healing. Reconnect with your gifts. Feel the movement or congestion of your heart's energy and set free what needs to move along or generate more strength and resolve. 

You are a boundless soul of light and the body you have is meant to connect to the heavens, yourself, others, and earth. We do this in many ways. None more significant than the heart. 

Life is good. Life is nut-so. Life is an...

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